(screen grab) …within a century, the language was established…
(screen grab) I am preparing to die a few leagues from the hexagon in which I was born…
(screen grab) …these letters do not indicate or prefigure what the pages will say.
book is an infinite and variable work loosely based on Borges’ “Library of Babel.” Its “pages” and page elements are determined programatically and are created on-the-fly. Page elements consist of movies, images, words and sounds.
book, 2003-2009. Screen-based multimedia with audio.
(screen grab) The time is 3:15
(screen grab) The time is 12:30
(screen grab) The time is 5:17
over/time is a programatically-determined, variable collage about decay and the passage of time. It doubles as an actual clock — by counting the number of images in each quadrant, one can tell the time. The screens reconfigure minute-by-minute.
over/time, 2003. Screen-based multimedia with images, animation and audio.
(screen grab) breathe, distraction, return to the breath
(screen grab) breathe, distraction, return to the breath
(screen grab) breathe, distraction, return to the breath
breathe is a programatically-determined movie/collage. The pervasive element is an animation of a half-full (or half-empty) glass which appears to breathe slowly, meditatively in and out. Quiet and clarity are interrupted by “noise” in the form of to-do lists, errant thoughts, bits of programming, images and sounds.
breathe, 2006. Screen-based multimedia with audio.
(screen grab) Main menu leading to all of the “experiments”
(screen grab) An image/sound play space
Probing Iinto Science was a digital work delivered on CD-ROM. The project explored the language of science through an interactive maze of experiments.
Probing into Science, 1994/95, was a pioneering digital work created when the field was just emerging. It was selected by NYFA panelists for a fellowship in 1995 in the field of Emerging Forms.